
Jubilee X International Archaeological School to be held in Bolgar from 14 to 27 August 2023

The International Archaeological School in Bolgar once again meets young archaeologists and specialists of related fields who wish to get acquainted with the latest practices of world science in the field of preservation and study of cultural heritage.

About 80 participants from Russia, Uzbekistan, Belarus and Moldova will take part in the scientific and educational programs of the X International Archaeological School in 2023.

The event will be held from 14 to 27 August 2023 on the basis of the Bolgar State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve.

The International Archaeological School in Bolgar has been held since 2014. It is organised annually by the joint efforts of the Institute of Archaeology named after A. Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University and the Bolgar State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve. This year the School is held in two stages: the first stage took place in Osh, Kyrgyz Republic from 26 June to 9 July 2023, the second one will take place in Bolgar, Republic of Tatarstan from 14 to 27 August 2023.

The school’s work is organized within four scientific and educational practice-oriented programs: “Archaeological glass: history, technology and conservation, “Geoinformation technologies in archaeology”, “Paleoanthropology” and “Conservation of archaeological objects from organic materials. Leading specialists from the largest scientific and educational centers of Russia: Moscow State University, Hermitage, Paleoethnology Research Center, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, will be teachers.

The educational programs of the School will be supplemented by general lectures and practical classes aimed at acquainting the participants with the experience of Tatarstan in the field of preservation and study of cultural heritage objects, as well as with new approaches and methods in archaeology.

The School is oriented towards the needs of young scientists (Russian and foreign students and postgraduates) to get acquainted with new methods, to present relevant data and to collaborate. Participants have the opportunity to present their unique creative projects, discuss them and receive expert evaluation.

The School traditionally ends with an international youth scientific and practical conference, where young scientists and students can present the results of their scientific work.