Saifutdinova Guzel Maratovna

Head of the Department of Archaeobiology and Information Technology of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences.

Saifutdinova Guzel Maratovna (April 26, 1980)

Candidate of Technical Sciences (December 15, 2006).

Specialization: System Analysis, Management and Information Processing.

Biography (Education and Professinal Activity):

Professional experience since October 1, 2001. Guzel Maratovna has an experience in scientific and pedagogical work of over 14 years, including the pedagogical experience of over 10 years at Ufa State Aviation Technical University. She was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor by the Order of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science on February 16, 2011. She is the author of over 50 publications, including 4 certificates of state registration of computer software, 15 teaching and methodological papers, 17 scientific papers, 2 textbooks and 1 monograph.

Professional Training:

Moscow – “What’s New in ArcGIS 9” – March 2006, “Introduction to ArcGIS (I and II) 9.1” – February 2007, “Working with 3D GIS Using ArcGIS” – March 2011, and “Building Geodatabases, v. 10.2-10.3”- March 2017.

Academic Interests: Processing, Analysis and Data Management in the Field of Geoinformation Technology.

Main Scientific Works:

  1. Design of information systems and technologies with consideration of the legal aspects of their development and application (study guide). Ufimsk. State Aviation Technical University – Ufa, 2015, 156 p. Pavlov A.S., Saifutdinova G.M., Christodulo O.I.
  2. Spatial Information Recording Procedure Involving Methods of Close Range Photogrammetry as Applied to Archaeological Researches (article in English) Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Russia, 2015. Saifutdinova G.M., Starovoitov A.
  3. Inna Chernova, Guzel Saifutdinova, Olga Luneva. NEOTECTONIC FACTORS AFFECTING GEOMETRY OF PLAINS. 15th ANNIVERSARY INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC GEOCONFERENCE & EXPO SGEM 2015 (16 — 25.06.2015, Albena Resort, Bulgaria), Volume 1, pp. 321-327.
  4. Cartographic representation of archaeological monuments in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan and individual regions of Russia // All-Russian Scientific Conference. International Year of Maps in Russia: Uniting Space and Time, Moscow, 2016, p. 257.
  5. Sitdikov A.G., Vyazov L.A., Efimov M.I., Farkhullin D.I., Kugurakova V.V., Salova J.A., Sayfutdinova G.M. Preliminary results of developing the database of Russian archaeological sites that combines the absolute and relative chronological data.