Khramchenkova Rezida Khavilovna
Senior Researcher Associate of the Medieval Archaeology Department of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Khramchenkova Rezida Havilovna – Physicist, Specialist in the Field of Restoration and Conservation of Archaeological and Museum Objects, Archaeometric Studies of Cultural Heritage Sites, Geochemistry, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (2006). She graduated from Kazan State University with a degree in Physics in 1982. In 1982-1983, she worked as an Engineer at the Central Design Bureau of the Computer Factory. From 1986 to 1987 she was a Junior Research Associate at the VNIIUS laboratory. In 1987-2006 she worked as a Research Associate and Head of the Spectral Analysis Group of VNIIgeoleurud. In 2006-2014 she was Head of the Eestoration Department of the Museum of Archaeology of the Republic of Tatarstan at the Institute of History named after Sh. Mardzhani of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences.
In 2006 she defended her thesis “Physical and Structural Characteristics of the Soil and their Impact on the Energy-Mass Exchange between the Soil and the Lower atmosphere”.
Since 2014 she has headed the Restoration and Analytical Department of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Senior Research Associate of the Research Laboratory of Archaeotechnologies and Archaeological Material Studies of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University.
State Awards:
2005 – badge “Excellence in Mineral Exploration”
Scientific Grants:
- Grant of the Russian Foundation for Humanities 16-11-16015 “Study of the Numismatic Material of the Juchid State with the Use of Interdisciplinary Methods of Archaeotechnology and Archaeological Material Science”;
- RFBR Grant No.15-46-02179 “Multidisciplinary Study of Medieval Silver Coins from the Archaeological Sites of Volga Bolgaria”;
- Grant No. 15/213/2012 dated September 10, 2012 of FSR MFP at the NTS and VF RT “Development of New Composite Materials for the Restoration of Architectural and Museum Objects with the Use of Nanocomponents based on Ancient Recipes” – project manager;
- RFBR Grant NK 13-06-97050 “Raw Material Sources of Medieval Handicraft Production in Bolgar Town and its Neighbouring Area”;
- Grant of the Russian Foundation for Humanities No. 05-01-01380f-R “Glass Beads of the Volga Region of the 7th-15th cc.”;
- Grant of the Russian Foundation for Humanities No. 03-01-12001-B “Archaeology of the Middle Volga Region on the Server of Kazan State University”;
- Grant of the International Scientific and Technical Center No. 3590 “Tritium / Helium-3 Method of Dating Young Groundwater in Hydrogeoecology”;
- RFBR Grant 08-06-00023A “Architectural Decoration of Khwarezm and the Golden Horde of the 12th-14th cc.”;
- Grant of the International Science and Technology Center No. 3225 “Development of Mathematical Models of Phenomena Accompanying the Formation and Development of the Karst”;
- Grant of the International Scientific and Technical Center No. 2364 “Study of the Physical and Mineralogical Mechanism for Reduction of the Oil Recovery Factor of Clay-Containing Oil Reservoirs.”
Research Interests: restoration and conservation of archaeological and museum items, archaeometric studies of cultural heritage sites, geochemistry.
Main Scientific Publications:
- Khramchenkova R.Kh. Spectrographic Identification of 0.0005-0.00005% Molybdenum Content in Silicate Rocks. Current Issues of Geology and Economy of Non-Metallic Minerals. VNIIgeolnerud, Kazan, 1989, pp. 39-50.
- Ablyamitov P.O., Burov A.I. et al. Emission Spectral Identification of Arsenic and Mercury in Zeolite-Containing Rocks. Report on the topic “Conduct of Experimental and Methodological work…”, VNIIgeoleurud, Kazan, 1989, pp. 245-257.
- Khaidarov R.A., Khramchenkova R.Kh. et al. Geochemistry of Hydrocarbons from Crystalline Basement Rocks. Abstracts of the Scientific and Production Conference on Bitumen Raw Materials, Almetyevsk, 1993, pp. 117-127.
- Khramchenkova R.Kh. Identification of Low Phosphorus Concentrations in Carbonate Rocks using the Method of Emission Spectral analysis. Abstracts of the All-Russian Meeting “Methods of Analytical and Technological Studies of Non-Metal Minerals”. Kazan State University, Kazan, 1999.
- Valiulina S.I., Khramchenkova R.Kh. Chemical Composition of Non-Ferrous Metal Articles from Bolshetigansky Burial Mound. Ancient Artisans of the Cis-Urals. Proceedings the All-Russian Scientific Conference. Izhevsk, 2001, pp. 264-280.
- Lygina T.Z., Khramchenkova R.Kh., Khramchenkov M.G. ELECTROCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SOILS AND GROUNDS. Exploration and Protection of Mineral Resources. 2005. No. 9. pp. 50-54.
- Lygina T.Z., Khramchenkov M.G., Khramchenkova R.Kh. MODELING OF ION MOBILITY IN SOILS AND CLAY GROUNDS. Issues of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Mathematical Modeling of Physical Processes. 2005. No. 3. pp. 80-85.
- Fakhrutdinova A.N., Khramchenkov M.G., Khramchenkova P.Kh., Chekalin A.N. HYDROPHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND ATMOSPHERIC FUNCTION OF SOILS.
Issues of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Mathematical Modeling of Physical Processes. 2006. No. 2. pp. 58-64. - Khramchenkova R.Kh. PHYSICAL AND STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SOIL AND THEIR EFFECT ON THE ENERGY AND MASS TRANSFER BETWEEN THE SOIL AND LOWER ATMOSPHERE. Thesis for the Degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences / Kazan, 2006.
- Kayukova G.P., Kiyamova A.M., Nigmedzyanova L.Z., Morozov V.I., Khramchenkova R.Kh., Khramova E.V. TRANSFORMATION OF NATURAL BITUMENS DURING HYDROTHERMAL PROCESSES. Oil Industry. 2007. No. 2. pp. 105-110.
- Kiyamova A.M., Kayukova G.P., Morozov V.I., Vandkzhova I.I., Ksenofontov D.A., Khramchenkova R.Kh., Rakhmankulov Sh.M. TRANSFORMATION OF ASPHALTENIC COMPONENTS OF OIL AND NATURAL BITUMENS UNDER HYDROTHERMAL TREATMENT IN AN OPEN SYSTEM. Oil and Gas Technology. 2007. No. 1 (48). pp. 40-47.
- Khramchenkov M.G., Khramchenkova R.Kh., Khalilullov T.Sh. CERTAIN PATTERNS OF GROUND DEFORMATION. Geoecology, Engineering Geology, Hydrogeology, Geocryology. 2009. No. 5. pp. 454-456.
- Sitdikov A.G., Khramchenkova R.Kh. TYPOLOGY OF GLAZED CERAMICS OF THE KAZAN KHANATE AND THE ANALYSIS OF ITS ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION. Philology and Culture. 2011. No. 25. pp. 125-132.
- Zhurukhina E.Yu., Khramchenkova R.Kh. GLASSMAKING WORKSHOPS OF KIEV PODOL. Philology and Culture. 2012. No. 3 (29). pp. 226-233.
- Lebedev V.P., Begovatov E.A., Khramchenkova R.Kh. COIN-SHAPED CAST PENDANTS FROM VOLGA BOLGARIA. Numismatics of the Golden Horde. 2012. No. 2. pp. 163-174.
- Nabiullin N.G., Khramchenkova R.Kh. JUKETAW GLASS ADORNMENTS: MORPHOLOGY AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION. Philology and Culture. 2013. No. 3 (33). pp. 240-244.
- Khramchenkova R.Kh., Khramchenkov E.M. AUTOMATED PROCESSING OF EMISSION SPECTROGRAMS OF COMPLEX COMPOSITION SAMPLES BY SPECIALIZED SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE COMPLEX. Proceedings of Kazan University. Series: Natural Sciences. 2013. Vol. 155. No. 4. pp. 82-93.
- Anikeeva O.V., Ruslanova (Tamimdarova) R.R., Khramchenkova R.Kh. GLASS AND STONE ADORNMENTS FROM UFA-II SETTLEMENT. In collection: The Urals and the Spaces of Eurasia Through Centuries and Millennia Sultanova A.N., Ruslanov E.V., Mukhametdinov V.I. Ufa, 2013, pp. 86-104.
- Begovatov E.A., Lebedev V.P., Khramchenkova R.Kh. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF 10TH CENTURY SILVER COINS FROM SEMENOVSKOYE I VILLAGE (THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN). The Volga River Region Archaeology. 2013. No. 3 (5). pp. 169-174.
- Abdullin Kh.M., Vizgalova M.Yu., Sitdikov A.G., Starkov A.S., Fedotova Yu.V., Khramchenkova R.Kh. BAST SHOES AS ARCHAEOLOGICAL MATERIAL: ORIGIN, CLASSIFICATION, RESTORATION (ON THE EXAMPLE OF FINDINGS FROM SVIYAZHSK AND KAZAN). The Volga River Region Archaeology. 2014. No. 3 (9). pp. 277-293.
- Valiev R.R., Khramchenkova R.Kh., Sitdikov A.G. THE ISSUE OF PRODUCTION OF GLAZED CERAMICS IN MEDIEVAL BOLGAR. In collection: Proceedings of the 4th (20th) All-Russian Archaeological Congress in Kazan. Executive Editors: A.P. Derevyanko, N.A. Makarov, A.G. Sitdikov, 2014, pp. 128-131.
- Kaplan P.Yu.; Shaikhutdinova E.F.; Khramchenkova R.Kh.; Sitdikov A.G. “RESTORER’S ARCHIVE” AUTOMATED SYSTEM. Certificate of State Registration of a Computer Program No. 201562353. 2014.
- Khramchenkova R., Sitdikov A. INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH OF SPHERICAL CONES FROM VOLGA BULGARIA. Conference proceeding SGEM 2014. pp. 371-380
- Khramchenkova R., Sitdikov A. ORIGIN OF GLAZED CERAMICS KAZAN KREMLIN: CREMIA – BULGARIA – KAZAN. Conference proceeding SGEM 2014. pp. 391-398.
- Khramchenkova R.Kh. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF CLAYS AS AN INDICATOR OF A RAW MATERIAL SOURCE. The Volga River Region Archaeology. 2014. No. 2 (8). pp. 176-204.
- Khramchenkova R.Kh., Gareev B.R., Kaplan P.Yu., Sitdikov A.G., Kosushkin V.F. EXPERIENCE OF STUDYING THE PAINT LAYER OF THE FRESCO PAINTINGS OF THE ASSUMPTION CATHEDRAL USING THE XRF NON-DESTRUCTIVE METHOD // Historical, Cultural and Spiritual Heritage of Sviyazhsk: Collection of Proceedings of the International Congress (Kazan, July 15-16, 2015) / Executive Editor R.M. Valeev. – Kazan, “KhETER” Publ., 2015, pp. 239-253.
- Khramchenkova R.Kh., Begovatov E.A., Shaikhutdinova E.F., Sitdikov A.G. ARCHAEOMETRIC STUDIES OF 10TH CENTURY SILVER COINS OF VOLGA BOLGARIA (PRELIMINARY RESULTS). The Volga River Region Archaeology. 2015. No. 3 (13). pp. 176-188.
- A.G.Sitdikov, R.Kh.Khramchenkova. TYPOLOGY OF GLAZED CERAMICS OF THE KAZAN KHANATE AND ANALYSIS OF ITS ELEMENT COMPOSITION. Journal of Sustainable Development. Vol.8, No.7, 2015, pp. 234-244.
- Starostina I.A., Khramchenkova R.Kh., Shaikhutdinova E.F., Stoyanov O.V. ANALYSIS OF THE SURFACE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL METAL ITEMS FOR THE SELECTION OF PROTECTIVE COATING. Adhesives. Sealants. Technology. 2015, No. 6, pp.41-46.
- Khramchenkova, A. Sitdikov, A. Kaisin. POST-MEDIEVAL GLASS WORKSHOP FROM THE EXCAVATION IN THE KAZAN KREMLIN. Conference proceeding SGEM 2016, p.277-286.
- Sitdikov A.G., Abdullin Kh.M., Khramchenkova R.Kh., Kaplan P.Y. KAZAN GLASS FACTORY OF XVIII-XIX CENTURIES: HISTORY, ARCHAEOLOGY, DISCOVERIES // The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 2016, Vol. 6, November Special Edition, pp. 2869-2875.
- Shaikhutdinova E.F., Khramchenkova R.Kh., Sitdikov A.G. COMPUTER TOMOGRAPHY AS A METHOD OF STUDYING A NUMISMATIC MATERIAL: BENEFITS AND DRAWBACKS. Numismatics of the Golden Horde. 2016. No. 6. pp. 113-119.
- Shaykhutdinova Eugenia Flyurovna, Sitdikov Ayrat Gabitovich, Khramchenkova Rezida Khavilovna. EXPERIENCE OF CONSERVING METAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDS COVERED WITH UNPROGRESSIVE PROTECTIVE COATING. International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS). July 2016. Special Issue. P. 14-20.
- Khramchenkova R., Degryse P., Sitdikov A., Kaisin A. Analytical studies of post-Medieval glass bottle marks from excavations at Kazan Kremlin (Russia). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 12C (2017), pp. 25-27/ DOI 10.1016/j.jasrep.2017.01.005