Finno-Ugric Archaeology Department

The Department of Finno-Ugric Archaeology was established in 2016 as a subdivision of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan  Academy of Sciences. The first meeting of the Department was held on January 11, 2016. The main research fields of the department were discussed and approved.

The department is currently represented by the following specialists:

– Yury Anatolievich Zeleneyev, Head of the Department, Doctor of History;

– Vladimir Aleksandrovich Ivanov, Senior Research Associate, PhD in History;

– Yevgeny Mikhailovich Pigaryov, Senior Research Associate, PhD in History;

– Aleksander Viktorovich Novikov, Research Associate, PhD in History;

– Natalya Mikhailovna Malkova, Research Associate, PhD in History;

– Gappasova Dinara Amirovna, Laboratory Associate.


Fields of activity and objectives – preservation and study of archaeological heritage sites, expansion and obtaining of new scientific data related to the peculiarities of material and spiritual culture of Finno-Ugric peoples by archaeological research methods.

Specialists of the department elaborate fundamental research topics covering archaeological sites of Finno-Ugric cultures of the period from the VIII to the XVIII centuries in the Volga and Kama regions, such as:

– Mari archaeological culture of the VIII-X centuries;

– Mordovian archaeological culture of the XI-XIII centuries;

– Finno-Ugric archaeological cultures of the Golden Horde period;

– Cities of the Volga region in the XVI-XVIII centuries.

Staff of the department conduct active field studies in the Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Astrakhan regions, Mari El, Chuvashia, Mordovia, Crimea, Krasnodar Krai, including security and rescue studies of sites destroyed in the areas of natural and anthropogenic impact, as well as interdisciplinary research with the participation of specialists in different fields of natural sciences. As part of the elaboration of fundamental and applied research, the staff of the department also publishes the main results of fundamental research – monographs, articles in periodicals and thematic editions, as well as presentation of new discoveries and achievements at international and regional scientific forums – reports, exhibitions, posters, off-site lectures in specialized research centers.