17 March 2022

Round tables dedicated to the 1100th Anniversary of the voluntary adoption of Islam in Volga Bolgaria

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to participate in the events dedicated to the 1100th Anniversary of the voluntary adoption of Islam in Volga Bolgaria, to be held in the format of round tables on March 17, 2022 in Moscow (at the venue of the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and on May 30, 2022 in Bolgar (at the venue of Institute of Archaeology of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, at Bolgar Museum-Reserve).

The following issues are planned to be discussed at the round tables:

  1. History of the Volga Bolgaria - archaeological studies and historical conclusions.
  2. Islam in the period of the Golden Horde.
  3. Islam and political processes in the world and Russia: history and contemporaneity.

We ask you to take an active part in the discussion of the current issues of Islamic studies and notify us of the report topics by February 20, 2022.

Please send applications to 1100_islam@mail.ru (marked “1100th Anniversary of the Adoption of Islam”).