Dialogue of Urban and Steppe Cultures in the Eurasian Space. Historical Geography of the Golden Horde. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference dedicated to the memory of G.A. Fedorov-Davydov / Editors S.G. Bocharov, A.G. Sitdikov, Kazan; Yalta; Chisinau: Stratum Plus, 2016 (F.E.-P. Tipografi a Centrală), 310 p.

The collection of proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference “Dialogue of Urban and Steppe Cultures in the Eurasian Space. Historical Geography of the Golden Horde” dedicated to the memory of an outstanding figure in Russian science, archaeologist, historian and numismatist, founder of the Golden Horde archaeology, professor of Moscow State University G.A. Fedorov-Davydov, covers issues related to the study of history, archaeology and historical geography of Golden Horde regions and other states formed by the Mongols, as well as adjacent territories, and determine their role and place in the medieval world. An important place within the framework of this scientific publication belongs to materials related to the interdisciplinary approach and natural scientific methods of studying archaeological sites, which provide new opportunities for exploring the routes and main flows of goods through the territory of the Golden Horde, the scope of distribution of domestic craft and agricultural products of this state, the utility systems of vast medieval towns, and the inclusion of the steppe nomadic subculture in all the aforesaid processes.

The collection of materials is intended for historians, archaeologists, ethnographers, museologists and specialists in the history of cultural heritage, and has a great educational value for a wide range of readers.