Rules for writing articles

Examples of links in the text and bibliography

An example of an article

The following articles should be in the submitted article:

  •  UDC
  •  Title of the article in Russian and English
  •  Initials and author’s surname in Russian and English
  •  Abstract (volume 80-100 words) and keywords (6-10 words) in Russian and English
  •  The text of the article (each article begins with the formulation of a scientific problem (relevance, scientific significance, novelty, purpose, tasks), has the main part and conclusion) in Russian or English
  •  References
  •  List of abbreviations
  •  Information about the author in Russian and English (full name, place of study or work, position, degree, home address, e-mail)
  •  Names of tables and illustrations, as well as legends to them
  •  References to grants / thanks are given at the end of the main text of the article, before the list of references.

Illustrations and tables (if available) are provided as separate files.


  •  articles are accepted in DOC, DOCX or RTF format
  •  font – Times New Roman, size – 12, single spacing, margins – 2 cm
  •  article length: 10–20 thousand characters
  •  discharge, tabulation, forced hyphenation, separation of paragraphs with a blank line, using macros and saving text as a template are not allowed.

Illustrations and tables

  •  illustrations and tables are provided as separate files.
  •  illustrations (drawings, photographs, graphs, diagrams) are accepted in high quality, in JPG or TIFF format (resolution not less than 600 dpi)
  •  illustrations will be printed in black and white.
  •  tables are accepted in MS Excel or MS Word format
  •  the reference to the tables and illustrations in the text is given in parentheses.

References and links

The articles published in the collection of the International Archaeology School use the following system for compiling inline references and bibliography.

In case of non-compliance with these requirements, the materials sent will be sent to the author for revision.

References (bibliography) are compiled in alphabetical order (surname and initials of the author, title of work, place, publisher, year of publication, page) in the original language. First in Cyrillic (in Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, etc.), then in Latin (in English, German, French, etc.).

Please ensure that all references provided in the bibliography are present in the text of the article.

Bibliographic references to the literature and sources in the text are given in parentheses: author’s last name without initials (except works of namesakes) or an abbreviated name (if the publication does not have the author), publication year separated by commas; link to the page, drawing, etc.

Please make sure that all in-text links are included in the bibliography.

With examples of design of various types of links in the text and in the list of references can be found on the link
An example of an article can be found at the link.