
“Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya” journal among the best scientific periodicals in the field of “History” in Russia

In October 2023, the rating of Russian scientific journals Science Index for 2022 was published.
“Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya” journal, published by the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences jointly with Mari State University, was included in the rating of the top 5% of the best journals, indexed in RISC (in Russian – РИНЦ). According to the subject field ranking “History. Historical Sciences” it took the 6th place out of 231 scientific periodicals, in the overall ranking on the 169th place out of 3910.
It should be noted that among the Russian scientific journals “Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya” takes the 4th place.
The journal is also indexed in the Scopus abstract and citation database and is included in the “White list of journals RAS”, a list of the most authoritative scientific periodicals. In the current list of the HAC (in Russian – ВАК) and in the RSCI rating, the journal has been assigned to the category K1, which means its highest scientific significance.
“Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya” journal thanks the authors and members of the Editorial Board for fruitful cooperation!

Information: Scientometric indices, provided by the RSCI system, are recognized by the entire scientific community of the Russian Federation; statistical data RSCI form the basis of any assessing the effectiveness of research and development organizations, scientists, and the level of scientific journals.
The Science index (SI) rating is calculated by a special methodology that takes into account the thematic direction of the journal, its quality and reputation, the level of self-citation and other factors.