Volkova Elizaveta Valerievna

Junior Researcher at the Museum of Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology named after A. Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

Volkova Elizaveta Valerievna (November 11, 1990, Kazan) – Biologist and Anthropologist. Elizaveta Valerievna graduated from the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University with a degree in Biochemistry in 2012, and in 2014 she graduated from the master degree program of the Institute of Engineering of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University under the Biotechnical Systems and Complexes program. Since 2014 she worked as a Junior Research Associate at the Laboratory of Archaeobiology, and is currently employed by the Archaeobiology and Information Technology Department at the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences.

Academic interests: methods of detecting ancient DNA in bone tissue, methods of extraction and analysis of ancient DNA, bioarchaeological methods and paleopathology, physical anthropology of the population of the Volga-Kama Region at the turn of historical periods – first half of 1st Millennium A.D., graphic and plastic reconstruction of the lifetime appearance of a person on the basis of the skull.

Titles and Awards: Diploma for active participation in the 23rd Symposium of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Biology Students in Europe SymBioSE 2009, Biology: Expanding Boundaries.

Scientific Grants:

RFBR grant 14-06-00463 on the topic “Characteristics of the household activities of the population of medieval Bolgar on the basis of anthropological and genetic information.”

Main Scientific Publications:

  1. Volkova E.V., Estimation of the degradation degree of ancient DNA, methods of its isolation and reparation on the example of determining the gender of the bone remains from individual old burials of the Volga region / Volkova E.V., Anikeev O.E., Kravtsova O.A., Gazimzyanov I.R. / Collective works of the 2nd Student International Virtual Scientific and Practical Conference “Youth Scientific Forum: Natural and Medical Sciences”, 2013. Available at: [http://nauchforum.ru/ru/node/522].
  2. Volkova E.V., Ultrastructural and histochemical examination of bone tissue from the remains of individual old burials of the Volga region / Volkova E.V., Gazimzyanov I.R., Kravtsova O.A. / Fundamental Studies, 2013, No. 10 (part 5), pp. 1078-1083.
  3. Volkova E.V., Pathology of the dentition of the urban and rural population of the Middle Volga Region in the 16th-18th centuries (on the example of the necropolis of Cheboksary and rural Chuvash burial grounds) / Volkova E.V. / International Field School in Bolgar. Collection of materials of the final conference. – Kazan, Bolgar, 2015, pp. 205-211.
  4. Volkova E.V., Palaeopathological characteristics of the medieval population of Bolgar (on the basis of materials from excavation 191) / Е.V. Volkova, K.V. Kiryagin, A.G. Sitdikov, N.V. Kharlamova / The Volga Region Archaeology, Kazan: “Fen” Publ., No. 4 (18), 2016, pp. 226-248.
  5. Volkova E.V., Palaeopathological characteristics of the anthropological materials from Stary Chekmak burial ground (Pyanobor culture) / Volkova E.V., Kiryagin K.V., Gazimzyanov I.R. / Peoople and environment: current issues of anthropology and archaeology. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation 7th Alekseev readings in memory of academicians V.P. Alekseev and T.I. Alekseeva (May 22–25, 2017, Kazan). – Kazan: Ozon LLC, 2017, pp. 23-24.
  6. Gazimzyanov I.R., Anthropology of Gulyukovsky burial ground on the basis of craniology / Gazimzyanov I.R., Volkova E.V. / Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes, Kazan: “Kazanskaya Nedvizhimost” Publ., No. 4, 2017, pp. 135-143.