Pigarev Evgeny Mikhailovich

Senior Research Associate at the Department of Finno-Ugric Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

E-mail: pigarev1967@mail.ru

Address: 8 Ryabinin Str., Center for archeological and ethnographical research, Yoshkar-Ola, Republic of Mari El, 424000

Pigarev Evgeny Mikhailovich (born 03.09.1967, Astrakhan).

Key research interests: archaeology; history of the medieval Volga region.

Education: higher education, 1994 – Astrakhan State Pedagogical Institute named after S.M. Kirov, qualification: teacher of history; 2008 – PhD in History (Institute of History named after Sh. Marjani of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences).

Job history:
• 1991-2000 – Astrakhan Museum-Reserve, Junior Research Associate, Senior Research Associate, Head of the archaeology sector;
• 2001-2004 – Leading specialist at the archaeology sector SRPI “Nasledie”;
• 2004-2010 – Head of the Museum “Selitrennoye settlement” – branch of the Astrakhan State United Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve;
• 2010-2015 – Director of the “Historical and Cultural Center “Sarai-Batu”, the Kharabaly district of the Astrakhan Oblast;
• 2016 – to the present – Mari State University, Head of the Center for archaeological and ethnographical research MarSU;
• 2016 – Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Research Associate at the Department of Finno-Ugric Archaeology (concurrently).

Main scientific works:

1. Pigarev E.M. Pottery production of the Golden Horde city of Sarai (Selitrennoye settlement). Candidate’s thesis. Kazan: Institute of History named after Sh. Marjani, 2008.
2. Pigarev E.M. Pottery production of the Golden Horde city of Sarai (Selitrennoye settlement): monograph / E.M. Pigarev // Materials and research on archaeology of the Volga river region. Issue 7. Selitrennoye settlement. Yoshkar-Ola: Mari State University Publ., 2015. 208 p.
3. Pigarev E.M. Selitrennoye settlement: history of research: monograph / E.M. Pigarev // Materials and research on the archaeology of the Volga river region; Issue. 11. Yoshkar-Ola: Mari State University Publ., 2019. 244 p.
4. Pigarev E.M. Selitrennoye settlement: 2006, 2007, 2009 research materials (the bank of the Akhtuba river): monograph / R.R. Valiev, Yu.A. Zeleneyev, E.M. Pigarev, A.G. Sitdikov // Materials and research on archaeology of the Volga river region. Issue. 12. Yoshkar-Ola: Mari State University Publ., 2019. 424 p.
5. Pigarev E.M. Selitrennoye settlement: archaeological research on the Bolnichnoye knoll in 2014 – 2016: monograph / Yu.A. Zeleneyev, E.M. Pigarev // Materials and research on the archaeology of the Volga river region. Issue. 13. Yoshkar-Ola: Mari State University Publ., 2021. 156 p.
6. Pigarev E.M. Shred field of the Selitrennoye settlement: monograph / E.M. Pigarev // Materials and research on archaeology of the Volga river region. Issue 14. Yoshkar-Ola: Mari State University Publ., 2022. 204 p.