Novikov Aleksandr Viktorovich

Research Associate at the Department of Finno-Ugric Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences


Novikov Aleksandr Viktorovich (born 16.08.1975, Zvenigovo, Mari ASSR) – PhD in History

Key research interests: Cultural processes in the forest zone of Eastern Europe in the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age; settlements with textile ceramics; western area of the Ananyino cultural and historical region.

Education: higher education, 1997 – Mari State University, qualification: historian, teacher of history; postgraduate school, 2000. – Mari State University; 2017. – PhD in History (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University).

Job history:

• 1995 – Mari State University, Laboratory Associate and Researcher at the Center for archeological and ethnographical research;
• 1996-1999 – Mari Research Institute of Language, Literature and History named after V.M. Vasiliev, Laboratory Associate and Researcher at the Archaeology Department;
• 1999-2000 г. – Mari State University, Junior Research Associate, Deputy Head, Head (since 2000) of the Kostroma archaeological expedition;
• 2000-2001 – Kostroma Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve, Senior Research Associate at the Funds Department (curator of the “Archaeology” fund);
• 2002–2014 – Regional State Budgetary Institution «Nasledie», Head of the Department of Archaeology and Monument Records (since 2002), Head of the Restoration Research Center (since 2004), Deputy Director (since 2007)
• – currently – LLC Kostroma archaeological expedition, since 2014 Deputy Director General, Head of the expedition;
• 2024 – Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Research Associate at the Department of Finno-Ugric Archaeology (concurrently).

Titles, awards:
Commemorative medal “Fyodor Konyukhov. Conquerors of depths, peaks, spaces” (Russian Geographical Society, certificate No. 164, 2020).
Commemorative medal “Arctic explorer N.P. Demme” (Russian Geographical Society, certificate No. 7, 2023).

Scientific grants:

— Russian Geographical Society grant (2018). Project No. 02/2018-R “Unorozh: a journey through the ages”. Interregional complex archaeological and scientific-cognitive expedition, supervisor.
— Russian Geographical Society grant (2020). Project No. 03/2020-I “Historical landscape of Lake Galichskoye area”, supervisor.
— Russian Geographical Society grant (2022). Project No. 16/2022-R “Cultural heritage of Galich region. Interregional complex expedition”, supervisor.
— Russian Geographical Society grant (2023). Project No. 06/2023-I “Cultural heritage of Galich region: Interregional complex expedition (10 years of research)”, supervisor.

Main scientific works:


Early Iron Age settlements with combed-corded and corded ceramics located in the Kostroma Volga region // Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes. 2018. № 2. p. 282
Paleoanthropology and archaeology of the village of Isupovo in the Kostroma region of the XVI–XVIII centuries: collective monograph; Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology named after N.N. Miklukho-Maklay RAS. M.: AMA-ПРЕСС, 2023. 160 p., ill. (Paleoanthropology of cities and villages of Russia); (2) (co-authors Vasiliev S.V., Borutskaya S.B. et al)


1. Archaeological study of the Fyodorovskoye settlement in the Chukhloma district of the Kostroma region in 2005-2006. // Tver archaeological collection. Issue 8. Vol. I. / Ed. I.N. Chernykh. Tver: “Triada” Publ., 2011. P. 102-114.
2. Comb-corded and corded pottery assemblages of the Early Iron Age from Vatazhka settlement // Archeology of the Eurasian steppes. Issue 20. Kazan: “Otechestvo” Publ., 2014. P. 370-383.
3. Pottery assemblage from Vatazhka settlement (based on the materials of the excavations by V.I. Smirnov in 1925-1927) // Tver Archaeological collection. Issue 10. Vol. II. / Ex. ed. I.N. Chernykh. Tver: “Triada” Publ., 2015. P. 69-86.
4. Novikov A.V. Monuments with comb-corded and corded ceramics of the Early Iron Age in the basin of Lake Galichskoye // Tver Archaeological Collection. Issue 10. Vol. II. /Ex. ed. I.N. Chernykh. Tver: “Triada” Publ., 2015. P. 50-68.
5. Historical interpretation of materials with comb-corded and corded ceramics of the Early Iron Age from the Kostroma Volga river region // Vestnik of Lobachevsky University of Nizhni Novgorod, 2015. No. 1. P. 87-94.
6. History of the study of the Early Iron Age sites in the Unzha river basin of the Kostroma Volga river region // Ethnic and cultural interactions on the territory of the Upper Volga region and adjacent territories in ancient times, Middle Ages and modern era: collected proceedings / Kostroma Museum-Reserve. Kostroma: Kostromaizdat, 2016. P. 49-57 (co-author O.V. Novikova)
7. Unorozh settlement: preliminary results of archaeological works in 2014 // The Volga River Region Archaeology. 2016. No 1 (15). P. 143-168 (co-author V.S. Baranov).
8. Early Iron Age settlements of the Kostroma Volga river region: (on the issue of the area of the Ananyino cultural and historical region) // Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes. 2017. No. 4. P. 49-69.
9. Early Iron Age comb-corded and corded ceramics from the Shunga settlement in the Kostroma Volga river region (based on the materials of excavations by N.N. Gurina in 1954) // Tver Archaeological Collection. Issue 11 / Ex. ed. I.N. Chernykh. Tver: “Triada” Publ., 2018. P. 386-394.
10. Pottery from the Govyadinovo settlement (according to the studies by V.I. Smirnov, 1925-1926, 1928) // Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes. 2019. No. 4. P. 291-316.
11. A whole zoomorphic comb, made of horn, from the Unorozh settlement of (2018 excavation) / Notes of the Rostov Museum. Issue XXIV. Rostov, 2019. P. 406-413 (co-authors: O.V. Novikova, S.A. Smirnov).
12. Topical issues of studying the Early Iron Age settlements in the eastern part of the Upper Volga basin (Kostroma and Ivanovo Volga river regions). To raise questions // Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes. 2019. No. 2. P. 179-200.
13. On the issue of the development of textile ceramic traditions in the Late Bronze Age — Early Iron Age nearby Lake Galichskoye (based on the materials from the Bryukhovo settlement) // Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes. 2020. No. 2. P. 329-368.
14. Settlements with textile ceramics nearby Lake Galichskoye // Proceedings of the VI (XXII) All-Russian archaeological congress in Samara. In 3 volumes / Ex. ed.: A.P. Derevyanko, N.A. Makarov, O.D. Mochalov. Samara: Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education, 2020. Vol. II. P. 97-98.
15. Textile ceramics from the Umilenye settlement // The Volga River Region Archaeology. 2021. No. 1 (35). P. 49-64.
16. Odoyevskoye settlement. On the question of the cultural specifics of the Vetluga river region in the Early Iron Age // Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes. 2021. No. 2. P. 108-169.
17. Collection of items made of leather from the excavations of Galich Mersky // Archaeology of the Moscow region: materials of a scientific seminar. Issue 17. Moscow: Institute of Archaeology RAS, 2021. P. 209-223 (co-authors: O.V. Novikova, D.O. Osipov).
18. Combs made of horn from the Unorozh settlement (based on the materials of archaeological studies in 1988-1989, 1991 and 2013-2016) // Archaeology of the Nizhny Novgorod Volga river region and adjacent territories: materials of a scientific seminar. Issue 1. Nizhny Novgorod, 2021. P. 120-134 (co-author S.A. Smirnov).
19. Late Bronze Age – Early Iron Age ceramics from the Veksa I settlement (based on research materials of 2007-2008) // Tver Archaeological Collection. Issue 12. / Ex. ed. I. N. Chernykh. Tver: “Triada” Publ., 2021. P. 353-374 (co-author N.G. Nedomolkina).
20. Technological study of textile ceramics from the Umilenye settlement // The Volga River Region Archaeology. 2022. No. 3 (41). P. 151-157 (co-author A.A. Shvetsova).
21. Cultural transformation on the Upper Volga river basin in the Early Iron Age // Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes. 2022. No. 2. P. 382-405.
22. Bolgar-Tatar culture in the Kostroma Volga river region according to archaeological materials // Kostroma Tatars. Essays on the history and traditional culture of the Tatar sloboda. Moscow: “Buki Vedi” Publ., 2022. P. 14-29. (co-author V.S. Baranov)
23. Hoard of Russian silver coins of Peter the Great period from Kostroma // Archaeology of the Moscow region: materials of a scientific seminar. Issue 19. M.: Institute of Archaeology RAS, 2023. P. 204-222. (co-authors: K.V. Gorlov, O.V. Novikova)
24. Pottery assemblages from the Iron Age settlement “Panovo gorodishche” // Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes. 2023. No. 2. P. 214-242.