Malkova Natalya Mikhailovna

Research Associate at the Department of Finno-Ugric Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences


Malkova Natalya Mikhailovna  (born 10.05.1968, Kuibyshev) – PhD in History

Key research interests: Archaeology; ethnology; history of the late medieval Volga river region.

Education: higher education, 1991 – Samara State University, qualification: historian, teacher of history and social science; 2000 – PhD in History (Udmurt State University).

Job history:


  • 1991-1998  –  Samara State University, NIG-7, Senior Laboratory Assistant;
  • 1998-2000  –  Samara State University, postgraduate school of the Department of Russian History;
  • 2000-2001  –  Department of Historical and Cultural Monuments Management,  1st category specialist;
  • 2001-2010  –  Ministry of Culture of the Samara Oblast, Department of Interterritorial Interaction Resource Support, leading specialist, chief specialist, chief consultant, service  rank – 3rd class State Councillor of the Samara Oblast;
  • 2010-2023  –  State Budgetary Institution “Samara Regional Universal Scientific Library”, Deputy Director for Science;
  • Since 2023 up to the present time – Central State Archive of the Samara Oblast, Director;
  • Since 2024  – Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Research Associate at the Department of Finno-Ugric Archaeology (concurrently).

 Titles, awards:

2009, 2011 – Diplomas of the Ministry of Culture of the Samara Oblast

2014 – Commendation of the Governor of the Samara Oblast

2015 – Letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Culture of the Samara Oblast

2022 – Award of the Head of the Republic of Mordovia for the publication of the book “Mordvins of the Samara Oblast: history and traditional culture”

Main scientific works:


  1. Decorations of the Mordovian costume in the XVIII – early XIX centuries. (based on the materials from the burial ground near the village of Konovalovka in the Borskoye district) // Local history notes of the Samara Regional Museum of History and Local Lore named after Pyotr Vladimirovich Alabin. Issue VIII. Samara, 1996. P. 249-268 (co-author V.Yu.Morozov).
  2. The history of the study of Mordovian burial grounds of the XVII-XVIII centuries // P.D. Stepanov’s research and ethnic and cultural processes of ancient times and today. Saransk, 1998. P. 108-112.
  3. Copper plastic of Konovalovka burial ground // Proceedings of the XXX Ural-Volga archaeological conference of young scientists. Samara, 1998. P. 148-150 (co-author M.O. Orlova).
  4. Erzya headdresses of the middle of the XVIII – early XIX centuries (based on the materials from the excavations of Konovalovka 1 cemetery without mounds) // Proceedings of the XXX Ural-Volga archaeological conference of young scientists. Samara, 1998. P. 144-147 (co-author M.Y. Mishina).
  5. Settling of the Samara Volga river basin by Mordvins (based on the materials of archaeological excavations) // Bolgar and issues of studying the antiquities of the Ural-Volga region. Abstracts of the scientific conference. Bolgar, 1999. P. 87-89.
  6. The evolution of the Moksha braids decorations (nakosnik puloker) // Issues of archaeology of the Urals and the Volga region. Samara, 1999. P. 216-233.
  7. Sacrificial goods in Mordovian burials of the XVI- early XIX centuries // Volga Finns and their neighbours in the Middle Ages (issues of chronology and ethnic history). Saransk, 2000. P. 70-74.
  8. Mordovian burial traditions in the middle of the XVIII – early XIX centuries // Samara region in the history of Russia. Proceedings of the jubilee scientific conference on February 6-7, 2001, Samara. 2001. P. 214-218.
  9. Barrow burial rite of the Mordvins in the XVI – XVIII centuries // Integration of archaeological and ethnographic research. Collected proceedings. Nalchik; Omsk, 2001. P. 114-116.
  10. Donations in Mordovian burial sites of the XVI – early XIX centuries // Issues of archaeology of the Urals and the Volga region. Issue 2. “Samara University” Publ., 2004. P. 346-363.
  11. Shelekhmet I cemetery witout mounds on the Samara Bend // Middle Ages. The migration period. Samara, 2013. P. 299-332.
  12. Mordvins of the Samara region: history and traditional culture. Samara, 2021. 334 p. (one of the authors).
  13. Mordovian burial sites of the XVI – early XIX centuries // Archaeology of the Volga-Urals. Vol. 7. Late Middle Ages (middle of the XV–XVII centuries). Kazan, 2022. P. 402-427.