Irrigation Ceramics of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Region in the 10th-18th cc. / Institute of Archaeology named after A. Kh. Khalikova of the Tatarstan Academy of Seicnces, High Anthropological School University; Editor S.G. Bocharov [et al.]; cover: D.A. Topal. – Kazan: w/o publ., Chisinau: Stratum Plus: Higher Anthropological School University, 2017 – (Series: Archaeological Sources of Eastern Europe, Volume 2. – 2017. – 845 p.
The second volume of the specialized continued collection of scientific papers “Irrigation Ceramics of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Region in the 10th-18th cc.” is dedicated to the study of mass archaeological material - irrigation ceramics of a vast region including the countries of the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Far East and the area of the Eurasian steppes in the period of mature and late Middle Ages. The primary task of the continued publication “Irrigation Ceramics of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Region in the 10th-18th cc.” is to draw the attention of the medievalists to the study of glazed ware, and in particular, to introduce into the scientific discourse the largest number of previously unknown archaeological complexes which contain irrigation ceramics, as well the results obtained by using various methods of physicochemical studying of ceramic clays and glazes. The collection was complied with the participation of scientists from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, Italy, Lebanon, Russia, Romania, Serbia, the USA, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and France.
The publication is intended for specialists in the field of history, archaeology, ceramology, ethnography, museology, students of history and everyone interested in the medieval material culture.