Archaeology of Tatarstan. Bibliographic Index / Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences; ed. by A.G. Sitdikov; compilers: F.Sh. Khuzin, A.S. Sharonova. – Kazan: Publishing House of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, 2024. – 604 p.

Archaeology of Tatarstan. Bibliographic Index / Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences; ed. by A.G. Sitdikov; compilers: F.Sh. Khuzin, A.S. Sharonova. - Kazan: Publishing House of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, 2024. - 604 p.

 This publication, addressed mainly to specialists-archaeologists and historians, post-graduate students, as well as museum workers, is a bibliographic description of works on the archaeology of Tatarstan published from the XVIII century to 2023 inclusive. The material is arranged according to the main stages of development of archaeological science in Tatarstan and includes works published before the establishment in 1878 of the Society of Archaeology, History and Ethnography at Kazan University, during the period of the Society's activity until the early 1930s; the rapid development of archaeologists' activity falls on the time of their work at the Institute of Language, Literature and History of the Kazan branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR/RAS/TAS (1939-1996), the Institute of History named after Sh. Marjani  TAS (1997-2013), the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov TAS, established in 2014. The publication is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the establishment of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the 10th anniversary of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences.