Archaeological study of the Bolgar settlement / Authors and compilers:  A.G. Sitdikov, S.G. Bocharov. – Kazan: Publishing House of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, 2024. – 564 p.

Archaeological study of the Bolgar settlement / Authors and compilers:  A.G. Sitdikov, S.G. Bocharov. - Kazan: Publishing House of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, 2024. - 564 p.

The monograph with a large number of colour illustrations is intended to introduce a wide range of readers in an accessible form with the results of archaeological studies in 2010-2018, conducted at the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site - the Bolgar settlement. Comprehensive archaeological studies: large excavation sites in previously unexplored parts of the monument, the use of methods of natural sciences, the involvement of leading specialists from various academic organizations of the Russian Federation - were carried out as a part of the project “Cultural Heritage - Island-city Sviyazhsk and Ancient Bolgar”. The project was initiated by the Republican fund of Cultural and Historical Monuments Revival, and in the course of its realization a great number of works on restoration, museumification, creation of additional areas for museum display and keeping museum items, improvement of the territory were carried out, which provided an attractive appearance of the Bolgar Historical and Cultural Complex for numerous visitors.

The monograph is intended for historians, archaeologists, ethnographers, museologists, specialists in the history of cultural heritage and has great cognitive value for a wide range of readers.