
Congratulations to the staff of the Institute of Archaeology of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences on the international award!

The project of restoration and museumification of the St. Savior Tower of the Kazan Kremlin was awarded a gold diploma in the nomination “Best implemented restoration project” of the Golden Trezzini Awards – a prestigious international architectural and design award.

The St. Savior Tower Museum was opened on September 1. Specialists of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences participated in its designing. The artefacts of the Archaeological Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan became part of the new exposition. Congratulations to colleagues on the well-deserved award!

The photo shows a fragment of Materials for the historical and archaeological essay “The St. Savior Tower of the Kazan Kremlin”, kept in the scientific fund of the Institute. The drawing was made by the author of the essay Nikolai Filippovich Kalinin.

The Golden Trezzini Awards prize is awarded annually to the authors of the most artistically valuable architectural, design, restoration, scenography, and exhibition projects. The works of the prize winners, selected by more than 200 experts from 32 countries, are added to the museum fund and take part in an annual exhibition “Architecture as Art”.

Honorary Chairman of the International Council of the Golden Trezzini Awards is Mikhail Piotrovsky, President of the Petersburgers Worldwide Club, Director of the State Hermitage.