
The development of the Institute of Archaeology of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences is presented at the Kazan Digital Week

20-22 September 2023 Kazan hosts the International Forum Kazan Digital Week 2023, aimed promoting the exchange of scientific and technical information, the consolidation of scientific and technological assets that can effectively solve the problems of import substitution and import advance, ensure technological sovereignty. This event is being held by the Goverment of Tatarstan under the Government of the Russian Federation auspices.

The main thematic areas of the forum are: “intelligent transport systems”, “digital technologies in public administration”; “digital industry 4.0”; “fintech ecosystem”; “cybersecurity”; “business-integrated innovations”; “digital technologies in education”; “digital technologies in culture”; ” digital technologies in healthcare and medicine”; “digital technologies in agriculture”.

The Institute of Archaeology named after A. Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences takes part in several forum sites. The geoinformation system “Cultural heritage of Tatarstan and the Tatar people” developed by the Institute is presented at the stand in Hall No. 2 of the Kazan Expo IEC. The information system is a digital space created for the integration of humanitarian knowledge. It allows to keep and analyze scientific investigations and archival materials about the language, archaeology and history, material and spiritual culture of the peoples of Tatarstan and the Volga region. The total quantitative data, entered into the geoportal for 2018-2023, is more than 90,000 data.

On September 21, the Director of the Institute, Doctor of History, Academician of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Ayrat G. Sitdikov made a report on the cases of Tatarstan on the creation of museums-reserves as cultural and tourist centers at the section “Formation of brands of territories as a driver for the development of the regional economy”.

Within the II All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Heritage in Digital”, the head of the Department of geoinformation technologies of the Institute, Candidate of Technical Sciences Guzel M. Saifutdinova, told about the integration of the “Zasechnaya Lines” Project study results into the Russian Historical Society geoportal.