
Tatarstan Academy of Sciences and Chinese scientific and educational centers expand cooperation

On July 16, 2024 the President of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences R.N. Minnikhanov met with a delegation from the People’s Republic of China at the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences.
During the meeting a trilateral agreement was signed between the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Archaeology of Chinese Borderlands of Minzu University of China (PRC), the Institute of History and Tourism Culture of Inner Mongolia University (PRC) on the realization of a joint project on the study of ancient Bolgar and monuments of the Uyghur period.
The meeting was attended by the President of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences R.N. Minnikhanov, Vice-President of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences A.A. Timerkhanov, Academician-Secretary of the Division of Humanities of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of History named after Sh. Marjani of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences R.R. Salikhov, Director of the Institute of Archaeology of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences A.G. Sitdikov, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Kazan Xiang BO, Consul-Attache XU Hanrui, Professor of Minzu University of China Wei Jian and Professor of Inner Mongolia University Naga Teerbayier.