
Project session on the development of the Bilyar Historical, Cultural and Natural Museum-Reserve

On September 12-13, 2023, a project session was held in Kazan and Bilyar to determine the development impulses of the Bilyar Historical, Cultural and Natural Museum-Reserve, organized by the Institute for Urban Development of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The session was attended by Chairman of the State Committee on Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan Ivanov S.Ye, First Deputy minister of culture of the Republic of Tatarstan Adgamova Yu.I., Head of the Alekseyevskoye district of the Republic of Tatarstan Demidov S.A., Aide to the Rais (Head) of the Republic of Tatarstan Baltusova O.A., representatives of architecture firms “Sheredega Consulting”, “8 LINES”, employees of scientific institutes of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. The Institute of Archaeology named after A.H. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences was represented by a chief research fellow of the Department of Medieval Archaeology, Doctor of History, corresponding member of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Khuzin F.Sh., head of the Security Research Department Mirsiyapov I. Yu.

On the first day, during the working visit, the participants got acquainted with the tourist potential of Alekseyevskoye district and Bilyar Museum-Reserve. A scientific session was held at the SBI Youth Center “Salet” in the village of Bilyar, during which the issues of determining the role of the museum-reserve in the system of tourist, historical, cultural, natural potential of the Republic of Tatarstan were discussed.

The second day of work was held at the building housed Public Offices in the Kazan Kremlin. It was aimed at identifying the target audience, setting goals and proposals for priority directions of the reserve development, taking into account the uniqueness of the site and the existing restrictions.