Ksenia Sergeevna Girfanova

Leading Fund Inspector

2007-2020 – work at the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan. Since 2008 – Chief Curator, since 2012 – Deputy General Director for Accounting and Storage of Museum Items.


2002-2007 – Kazan State University named after V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin, Historical Faculty, specialty: “Historian. History teacher”.

2011-2012 – Presidential program for training managerial personnel of the national economy of the Kazan Federal University, retraining, specialty: “Management”.

2017-2019 – Russian State University of Justice (Kazan Branch), Law Faculty, Master in “Civil Law Relations”.

Scientific Interests: registration of state ownership of cultural property; issues of asserting state ownership to museum items; issues of intellectual rights to items transferred to a museum for permanent storage.


K.S. Petukhova (K.S. Girfanova). Cultural and historical heritage: issues of studying through issues of preservation (from the experience of the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan) // Proceedings of the “Museum and Society: Modern Models of Integration” International Museum Forum in Kazan. September 14-18, 2010 – In 2 volumes – Vol. 1. – Kazan: Foliant Publ., 2011. – p. 178-180.

K.S. Girfanova. Guilt as a condition of civil liability: procedural aspect. //Modern legal studies: issues, trends, prospects. Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Undergraduates dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 – Kazan. 2019. – p. 183-187.