
Monitoring of archaeological sites in the Kuibyshev reservoir zone

In the 2023 field season, the specialists of the Institute of Archaeology named after A. Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences continued long-term reconnaissance archaeological studies in the impact zone of the Kuibyshev reservoir.

At the end of August and beginning of September ancient settlements in the Tetyushi district of the Republic of Tatarstan were examined. In the course of the work, the clarifying information was obtained about the territory of the OCH (objects of cultural heritage), their material culture, the thickness of the cultural layer and their current state. As a result of the work, it was found that the Bogdashkino settlement and the settlement “Khulash” are strongly affected by the the Kuibyshev reservoir. Monuments are subjected annual ploughing, defensive fortifications are partially destroyed by economic activity. The settlement “Yumatikha”, the natural boundary “Krasnaya Glinka” and the Mantovo unfortified settlement were almost completely destroyed by the waters of the Kuibyshev reservoir. The Kilna 1-9 and Tatarskoye Cherepanovo unfortified settlements are in satisfactory condition.

The annual monitoring of archaeological heritage objects in the area affected by reservoirs is a planned scientific topic of the Institute’s work and will continue in the future.