
IX International Archaeological School in Samarkand

On September 12 during the summit of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation in Samarkand, the opening of the II stage of the IX International Archaeological School took place on the basis of the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage “Silk Road”.

This unique scientific and educational program was established in 2014 by the Institute of Archaeology named after A.H. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences and the Institute of International Relations of Kazan Federal University.

The proposal to expand the geography of the school, which was traditionally based on the Bolgar State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve, and to hold it from September 12 to 25 in Samarkand and Bukhara – cities with ancient history and long-standing research traditions – was announced during working consultations and discussions with foreign colleagues. According to the agreement, the IX International Archaeological School was co-organized by the. Institute of Archaeology named after A.H Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan Federal University, Bolgar State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve, International Institute of Central Asian Studies, International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage “Silk Road”, Institute of Archaeology named after Y. Gulyamov the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara State University, Samarkand State Museum-Reserve.

More than 50 young specialists from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Belarus are taking part in the work of the second stage. A number of studies, both theoretical and practical, are provided for the participants of the school. The program includes daily open lectures, as well as many hours of practical sectional studies on “Geoarchaeology”, “Ancient ceramics as a mass material” and “Scientific and laboratory restoration” under the guidance of leading experts. A number of open lectures will also be held within the framework of the school, that can be attended by the students and the  professorial-teaching staff of Bukhara State University. In addition, the school will visit the natural museum-reserve – archaeological site “Sarmishsay” for practical classes in the section “Geoarchaeology”.

At the end traditionally will be the final conference “Interdisciplinary approaches in archaeology: achievements and challenges”, that will be held on September 24, 2022 at the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage “Silk Road”.