
Archaeology of steppe Eurasia discussed at Altai State University

On September 4-6, 2023, an international scientific conference “Modern solutions to urgent problems of Eurasian Archaeology” was held at Altai State University in Barnaul, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Doctor of History, Professor, Head of the Department of Archaeology, Ethnography and Museology AltSU, member of the Council of the branch of the Russian Historical Society in Altai Krai Aleksey A. Tishkin and 35th anniversary of the Department of Archaeology, Ethnography and Museology.

The conference was attended by scientists, involved in the archaeology of steppe Eurasia. The conference brought together more than 70 participants representing different scientific centres from the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. Tatarstan was represented at the conference by the head of the Institute of Archaeology named after A. Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Ayrat G. Sitdikov. He presented a paper «Cities of the Golden Horde of the Volga region: stages of formation and development». In his speech Ayrat G. Sitdikov noted the jubilarian’s  multifaceted and complex scientific activity and high relations of cooperation, established between two scientific centres. Ayrat Gabitovich wished the head and employees of the Department of Archaeology, Ethnography and Museology AltSU endless creative energy, prosperity and new brilliant achievements in the professional field.

Promising all-Russian research projects in the field of study of nomadic cultures in steppe Eurasia were discussed with representatives of leading archaeological centers at the conference.