
Archaeological studies of the Uvek settlement in the Saratov region

In 2023, the Institute of Archaeology named after  A.Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Science jointly with the archaeological team of the Historical Park of Saratov continued long-term studies on the Uvek settlement (Golden Horde city of Ukek), located in the Saratov region. The research was conducted as a part the State Program of the Republic of Tatarstan “Preservation of the national identity of the Tatar People” and funded by Presidential Grants.

The 124 m2 excavation was laid on the western outskirts of the medieval city of Ukek. The thickness of the cultural layers averaged 1,6-2,0 m. The layers can be dated to the 1340s-1360s, possibly to the 1390s. The excavation revealed the base of a metallurgical furnace, five household pits and a heap of stones, presumably a slope revetment. The skeleton of a 9-10 years old child with pronounced Mongoloid features was found in the upper part of pit 1. A miniature clay jug (possibly, a children’s toy) of local manufacture was also found here. There were 97 individual finds: coins, pottery, traces of bone carving and ferrous metallurgy and decorations made of non-ferrous metal.

On the outskirts of the settlement, where the studies were conducted, the festival of archaeology and reconstruction “Ukek” will be held on 9 September 2023.