
Archaeological studies in the Samarskaya Bend

In June 2024 the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences conducted research on the Vinnovka barrow field in the Samarskaya Luka National Park nearby the village of Vinnovka, Stavropolsky District, Samara Region, under the State Task of the Republic of Tatarstan “Preservation of the national identity of the Tatar people”.

The Vinnovka barrows, recently discovered in the southern part of the Samarskaya Luka, belong to the “Novinki” type sites and are the first Turkic monuments on the Middle Volga, left by the new comers of the Turkic Khaganate period. Barrow No.1 of this burial ground is the largest of all known “Novinki” burial structures. With its sizes of 80×40 m in plan its height reaches 3,5 m, and its mound is made of giant limestone blocks. A total of 24 barrows were identified.

Barrow No.13 was studied during the archaeological works. Under discovered barrow mound 3 burials were found, which were performed according to the rite of inhumation. The burial inventory is represented by iron items – knives, awls, belt buckles, etc. According to preliminary estimates of scientists barrow No.13 dates back to the first half of the VIII AD.